Empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to recognize, respond to, and eradicate human trafficking.

Learn What You Can Do To Help

What is Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking is modern-day slavery


Recruiting, Harboring, Transporting, Providing, and/or Obtaining a person for labor, services, or commercial sex acts


Force, Fraud, and/or Coercion


Exploitation, Involuntary servitude, Slavery, Peonage, Debt bondage


any commercial sex act involving a minor.

The U.S. Department of State estimates

individuals trafficked in the United States per year

people were victims of modern slavery in any given day around the world


We are Your Community, We are your Neighborhood

We are here to

FIGHT for the victims

of human trafficking

Blue Heart Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit who draws its inspiration from the profound symbolism of our logo – a blue heart. Our logo represents the collective strength and unity of all human trafficking victims. It exemplifies our unwavering commitment to bringing warmth, hope, and justice back into the lives of survivors.


Empower Individuals to Prevent Human Trafficking in their Community


To End Human Trafficking in the United States


We work together with the communities and people we serve to develop our solutions and programs, instead of developing our solutions in an ivory tower and assuming we know best. In each of our initiatives, we first seek input from those we seek to empower and then develop that initiative with the knowledge gained from those interactions.


We will demonstrate an unwavering commitment to honesty, moral principles, and ethical practices in all aspects of our operations and decision-making. We embody our commitment to act honestly, responsibly, and ethically in all aspects of our work. We demonstrate integrity to our donors by ensuring transparency in our financial practices, honoring donor intent, and diligently stewarding the resources entrusted to us for maximum impact. To our stakeholders, we exhibit integrity by upholding our commitments, communicating openly about our successes and challenges, and steering all stakeholder relationships in service of our mission.


We hold the inherent dignity of every person in the highest regard and strive to protect it in all our endeavors. Human trafficking is never the fault of the individual involved, and all our approaches consider ways to prevent traffickers from taking advantage of the individual instead of criticizing their situation or decisions.


We believe in providing clear and accurate information about our financial practices ensuring that resources are utilized responsibly and in alignment with our mission to eradicate human trafficking. We will publish a yearly annual report showing how funds have been spent and the impact of our programs, as well as file our 990s on-time and post filed 990s public on our website.


We recognize the strength in unity and actively seek partnerships to maximize our impact in the fight against human trafficking. We actively work to collaborate with law enforcement and government agencies, nonprofits, private companies, and individuals on each of our initiatives to gain a better perspective on empowering people to fight trafficking, to develop stronger initiatives than we could on our own, and to deliver feedback on how we can improve our programs to end human trafficking once and for all.


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We work together with the communities and people we serve to develop our solutions and programs, instead of developing our solutions in an ivory tower and assuming we know best. In each of our initiatives, we first seek input from those we seek to empower and then develop that initiative with the knowledge gained from those interactions.


We will demonstrate an unwavering commitment to honesty, moral principles, and ethical practices in all aspects of our operations and decision-making. We embody our commitment to act honestly, responsibly, and ethically in all aspects of our work. We demonstrate integrity to our donors by ensuring transparency in our financial practices, honoring donor intent, and diligently stewarding the resources entrusted to us for maximum impact. To our stakeholders, we exhibit integrity by upholding our commitments, communicating openly about our successes and challenges, and steering all stakeholder relationships in service of our mission.


We hold the inherent dignity of every person in the highest regard and strive to protect it in all our endeavors. Human trafficking is never the fault of the individual involved, and all our approaches consider ways to prevent traffickers from taking advantage of the individual instead of criticizing their situation or decisions.


We believe in providing clear and accurate information about our financial practices ensuring that resources are utilized responsibly and in alignment with our mission to eradicate human trafficking. We will publish a yearly annual report showing how funds have been spent and the impact of our programs, as well as file our 990s on-time and post filed 990s public on our website.


We recognize the strength in unity and actively seek partnerships to maximize our impact in the fight against human trafficking. We actively work to collaborate with law enforcement and government agencies, nonprofits, private companies, and individuals on each of our initiatives to gain a better perspective on empowering people to fight trafficking, to develop stronger initiatives than we could on our own, and to deliver feedback on how we can improve our programs to end human trafficking once and for all.


Together, we can create a brighter future by actively combating human trafficking.  Every effort made to combat this heinous crime brings us closer to a world where no one’s life is stolen away. Let us unite in our unwavering commitment to protect the vulnerable and restore dignity to those affected. Together, we can make an indelible impact and ensure that the light of hope shines through the darkness of human trafficking.


At Blue Heart Alliance, we recognize the critical role that education plays in preventing human trafficking and empowering vulnerable populations. Education is not only a means to acquiring knowledge, but also a powerful tool for fostering critical thinking, cultivating resilience, and inspiring individuals to rise above circumstances.


Volunteering at Blue Heart Alliance offers a unique opportunity to contribute towards combating human trafficking and promoting education for empowerment. By dedicating your time and skills, you can actively make a difference in the lives of vulnerable individuals and help break the cycle of exploitation. Your participation as a volunteer not only supports our mission, but also serves as a powerful reminder of the significance of collective action in creating a society free from trafficking.


Your partnership truly matters.  By supporting our organization’s unwavering mission to eradicate human trafficking, you are a beacon of hope for survivors.  Together, we can create a world where no one falls prey to this abhorrent crime, and every individual can thrive, free from the chains of human trafficking.